Fees: All group members join the Chorleywood Community Arts Centre charity.

Annual membership of charity subscription £30. 1st September - 31st August. [Joining after Jan 1st - £20, after May 1st - £10] Membership entitles you to a voice in the running of the centre and a vote at charity meetings. You can also benefit from reduced workshop fees. Students - Free membership


In addition to your membership subscription, session fees are made in advance. They’re payable per group and irrespective of attendance. The session fees are our main income to cover maintenance and running costs of our lovely 130 yr old building.


We appreciate that not everyone is able to afford the fees, so if you are in receipt of state benefits and would like us to consider your financial hardship case, please write to our Treasurer - chorleywoodarts@gmail.com

Pottery annual sessions fee - £196 or standing order of £16.40 monthly [Students - £10.75 monthly]

Friday Art annual sessions fee - £143 or standing order of £12.00 monthly - there is an additional fee payable to the tutor directly when he is in attendance

Tuesday morning tutored Art - Annual sessions fee - £127 or £43 per term. There is an additional fee payable to the tutor directly.

Wednesday and Thursday morning tutored Art - £16.25 per 5 week block. There is an additional fee payable to the tutor directly.

Thursday evening Life Drawing (includes models’ fees) - Annual sessions fee - £217 or £72.50 per term [Students - £50 per term] [‘Spare chair’ WhatsApp group per session £8]

It is a member’s own responsibility to ensure prompt payment of fees and to assist our volunteer treasurer by using the correct bank references. If in any doubt about references please email chorleywoodarts@gmail.com

*All workshops (see the What’s On page) are individually priced and usually have a members’ and non- members rate.


If paying for Pottery sessions – POTT

for Art sessions– ART

for Life Drawing sessions – LD

Followed by the first four letters of your surname.  Followed by the day and time you attend.

 For example If your surname is Smith and you attend Pottery on a Monday morning –

The correct reference is POTT SMIT MONAM

Please use SUB for your membership subscription

For example If your surname if Smith and you attend Pottery on a Monday morning

The correct reference is SUB SMIT MONAM

Please use CLAY for clay payments

STILL UNSURE? – email Morag chorleywoodarts@gmail.com

Bank - NatWest Business account.    Account name - CHORLEYWOOD COMMUNITY ARTS CENTRE

Account # - 10576711  Sort Code - 60-17-32