Minutes of the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 19th Jun 2024 at 8pm at the Chorleywood Arts Centre


Present:  see end of minutes                                                                                          

 Apologies: see end of minutes

1. Welcome from the Chair (Mockie Harrison)

Mockie Harrison opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present.

2. Acceptance and Approval of the minutes of the 2023 AGM.

The Minutes of the 2023 AGM were approved, proposed by Sonbol Perfitt and seconded by Caroline Jennings.

3. Chairman’s report (Mockie Harrison)

"First of all I would like to thank everyone, too many to name, who volunteer their time and their energy to the gardening group, the potters who keep the firing system going, group leaders, everyone else that gives their time in the Centre and to the Trustees committee. We really would not be able to continue without all the efforts that go into keeping this place happening! In particular my thanks go to Morag as Treasurer who invests a lot of her time into CCAC, Lesley McHale, who does a stirling job recording meeting minutes and Bob Wooley who looks after Premises who this year ensured a successful structural repair to the pottery studio plus decorating!

This year we said farewell to the Monday textile group, however there was a 3 week Embroidery for Beginners workshop as a gap filler. Through the year we’ve organised workshops for kid’s painting, paper collage, lino cutting and Gelli printing. If you as a member want more and are willing to help organise one then please do step forward. They are not onerous, we have a template to follow, plus support. There’s also been portrait and collage workshops organised by Rickmansworth and District Arts Society. Last but not least, we’ve welcomed a new Art group on Wednesday morning, tutored by Tara Mullane.

One of the biggest changes this membership year has been in the way we operate. As we’ve only existed on flat levels up to now, i.e. the trustee committee and the members, there was nothing in between and that wasn’t a great way to hear voices from groups. With the introduction of a pottery forum and art forum, I believe we’re starting to address that. My thanks go to Beki Moreau for chairing the pottery forum and to everyone who attends and plays their part.

We only had 89 members of CCAC 3 years ago, now we’ve got 127, and we’re facing space and mobility access challenges, so we’ve started a feasibility study into solving this problem. If you have time to help with this, it would be warmly welcomed. One of people who has stepped forward is a new member of the committee, Marion Clayfield, an architect, who is looking over old plans drafted by our ex Chair, Ken McArdle.

My thanks go to all the members for their continuing support. I wish you all a great 2024/25."

4. Treasurers Report (Morag Watkins)

“I have distributed the accounts and am pleased to report that we have a surplus this year. Before we get carried away spending it I should point out that we had a hefty donation, close to £4000 from Nadfas when the Chorleywood Branch closed and we had almost £1600 from hall hire. Both of these are income that we cannot rely upon. The hall hire was when the British Legion Hall was closed and so the dancing and yoga classes came here instead for a few weeks.

The increase in income also reflects the larger number of members and the extra painting groups. I am also pleased to report that the clay payments are getting better, I still think not all clay is paid for but it is certainly an improvement. Group leaders perhaps you could get involved in ensuring that all clay is paid for.

As a result the Chair and I have examined all the figures and we do not need to put up the fees this year. We are tweaking the drop-in fees just to make things fairer, and creating a slight advantage in paying annually as it reduces the work, but nothing else need change. I don’t mind the work so please pay by whatever method your cashflow allows.

<Annual accounts were made available to those present, to be included>

6. Fees for 2024/25

Distributed via July/August newsletter to all members.

7. Election of officers

The committee stood down. All committee members were thanked for their contribution. At the AGM three officers of the charity are appointed for the year. The following members were proposed for election as Officers of the Executive Committee.

  • Mockie Harrison was elected as Chairperson proposed by Amanda Welch, seconded by Mandy Berman

  • Morag Watkins was elected as Treasurer, proposed by Karen Thomson and seconded by Sonbol Perfitt

  • Lesley McHale was elected as Secretary, proposed by Sonbol Perfitt and seconded by Caroline Jennings

 There were no objections and the officers are appointed. The following members will continue to sit on the committee

  • Caroline Jennings

  • Bob Woolley

  • Sophie Flynn

  • Sonbol Perfitt

  • Beki Moreau

  • Marion Clayfield

  8. Any other business 

 Barney Jackson asked whether solar panels could be used at the Centre. Bob Woolley (Premises rep on the committee) responded that he is already looking into this.

 9. Close of meeting

 Mockie thanked everyone for attending and the meeting was closed.


Attendees:: Stephen Oliver,Pip Jacobs,Chris Brock,Sandie Holland,Sue Wharton,Adrian Woolford,Jenny Long,Brenda Gabriel,Amanda Welch,Sonbol Perfitt,Robert Southall,Donna White,Marion Barnaby,Mike Burton,Heather Wears,Lorrice Douglas,Toni Walker,Fiona Ryan-Watson,Marlene Read,Elena McBride,Liz Hudson,Barbara Burrows,Elaine Pollecoff,Mandy Berman,Richard Berman,Jane Jackson,Bob Wolley,Elizabeth Waddington,Karen Thomson,Cindy Marlow,Mick Flynn,Barney Jackson,Caroline Jennings,Mockie Harrison,Morag Watkins

Apologies: Bridget Adamson,Debbie Edwards,Jette McCowen, Chris Plumb, Alun Morgan, Stephanie McDowell, Beki Moreau,David Matyus Flynn,Barbara Jorgenson,John Coleman,Hillary London,Deborah Blackmore,Marty Kristian,Jude Howton,Helen Bey,Fenella Mowbray,Wendy Reus,Natalie Jenkins,Christine Jones,Cindy Kane,Ann Taylor,Steve Benham,Judith Schoffren,Hazel Salmon,Shirley Johnson,Annie Cunningham,Carol Stein,Sophie Tobin,Vesna Cramer,David matyus Flynn,Susannah de Fere,Christine Plumb,Jenna Gray,Fiona Kelly,Carol Freeman,Patricia Barrett,Christine Stevens,Janet Galpin,Christine Dowling,Christina Woodward,Nigel Coates Brown,Karen Fielding,Jenny Carpenter,Manju Rahim,Avril Spence,Lynda Herity,Sue Mander,Sophie Tobin,Deborah Wallond,Jocelyn Creighton

Annual General Meeting - Chorleywood Community Arts Centre - 28th June 2023 

Attendees: Jenny Freeman, Fran Mole, Bob Woolley, Toni Walker, Lynda Hearty, Barbara Burrows, David Mateus-Flynn, Mike Burton, Christine Dowling, Yvonne Harris, Leona Ruff, Morag Watkins, Lesley McHale, Mockie Harrison, Marion Barnaby, Pat Hopper, Vikram Chhapwale, Sonbol Perfitt, Hazel Salmon, Mark Hughes, Stephen Oliver, Jenny Woods, Lorrice Douglas, Brenda Gabriel, Mandy Berman, John Crean, Donna White, Marty Kristian, Janet Galpin, Edith Rambure-Lambert, Amanda Armour and Sheena Herbert

Apologies: Debbie Edwards, Beki Moreau, George Cronin, Pat Barrett, Liz Waddington, Fenella Mowbray, Elaine Bailey, Judith Schoffren, Natalie Jenkins, Rose Reeves, Fiona Kelly, Lizzy Duncan, Pip Jacobs, Vera Dreyfuss, Liz Hudson, Amanda Welsh, Barbara Jorgensen, Shirley McArdle, Avril Spence, Jenny Carpenter, Cindy Waite, Manju Rahim, Sue Wharton, Sue Hanson, Sarah Crickmore, Barbara Chan, Roger Prowse, Fiona Ryan Watson, Christine Plumb, Marlene Read, Sophie Finn, Caroline Jennings and Bobby Forlan

1 and 2.  Welcome from the Chair (Mockie Harrison) and apologies

Mockie Harrison opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present.  

3.  Acceptance and approval of the minutes of AGM 2022

Approval of the minutes of the 2022 AGM was proposed by Marty Christian and seconded by Stephen Oliver. 

4.  Chair’s report.  

A report had been prepared by the Chair, Mockie Harrison. The full report is attached. The highlights covered the achievements of the last year including the 130th competition, the successful refurbishment of the downstairs of the art centre, the launch of the newsletter and the varied programme of workshops. Congratulations to the winners of the 130th competition who were:

1st place - Mockie Harrison 

2nd place - Stephen Oliver

Joint third - Brenda Gabriel and Fiona Ryan-Watson

Fourth place - Barbara Burrows 

5.  Treasurer’s report

The accounts had been circulated with the agenda prior to the meeting.  The Treasurer's report covered the period from April 2022 to end of March 2023.  The highlights included the cost of the refurbishment leading to a loss of £4485 at the end of the year. The reserves of £85,750 have been maintained during the financial year.  The financial climate continues to be challenging with high energy prices. Income was generated from workshops (£2140) but there was less income from hiring the hall out. There has been a gap between the clay being used and the payments coming in and this loss cannot continue. A new system was introduced recently and potters write down the clay they have taken and are asked to make immediate payment. Please make clear when making a payment that this is for the purchase of clay to enable the Treasurer to track the payments. The Treasurer's report and accounts are attached.

6.  Increase in fees

A detailed analysis had been completed by the Treasurer and Chair on how the costs of running the centre should be allocated across the varied pottery and art sessions. The utility bills had increased as can be seen from the accounts. The committee was pleased to be able to keep the annual membership subscription fee for all members at £30 (this payment is due on 1st September). A small increase in fees will be implemented from 1st September 2023 to partially offset the increase in bills to run the centre.  To reflect the high usage of electricity by the potters, the pottery sessions will increase to an annual cost of £196.  For those paying monthly the cost is £16.40.  For Art and Textiles the annual fee increases to £143.  For those paying monthly, the instalment is £12.00.  Life drawing sessions (including model fees) increases to £217 per year or a term fee of £72.25.  Painting sessions on Tuesday morning increases to £127 or a term fee of £43 to cover the 13 week term.  The poster (attached below) with the new charges will be placed on the noticeboard and on the website.  Consideration will be give to any members who are experiencing financial hardship and please contact Morag Watkins to discuss. 

7.  Election of officers for roles of Chair, Treasurer and Secretary

The committee stood down.  The Chair thanked Lizzy Duncan and Martin Russell Jones who had stood down from the committee during the year. The Chair also thanked Mark Hughes for his contribution over the year as he will be standing down in September when he moves to Germany. All the committee members were thanked for their contribution.  

At the AGM the three “officers” of the charity are appointed for the year.  The following members were proposed for re-election as Officers to the Executive Committee

Mockie Harrison was proposed as Chairperson, Morag Watkins as Treasurer and Lesley McHale as Secretary by Leona Ruff and seconded by Mandy Berman.

There were no objections and the officers are appointed.

The following members will continue to sit on the committee

Caroline Jennings

Sophie Finn 

Sonbol Perfitt 

Rebecca Moreau

Bob Woolley

The committee is always looking for new members and/or volunteers.  Please contact Mockie Harrison if you can volunteer your time on a one off basis or if you could attend committee meetings on a regular basis (every two months).  There is a particular need for someone who could keep the garden tidy and volunteers would be very welcome. If you have any ideas or suggestions for improving the centre then please contact any of the committee members who will raise this on your behalf at a future meeting.  

9.  Any other business

No items were raised and the committee members thanked everyone for attending the AGM and were grateful to Morag and Mockie for providing the wonderful food and drinks.

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 7th September 2022


Mockie Harrison (Acting Chair)

Morag Watkins  (Treasurer)

Sophie Finn (Committee member)

Sonbol Perfitt (Committee member)

Martin Russell Jones (Committee member)

Lesley McHale (Secretary)

Jenny Woods, Roger Prowse, Stephen Oliver, Marian Barnaby, Donna White, Sue Hilton, Mark Hughes, Rebecca Moreau, Sheena Herbert, Fran Mole, Jenny Freeman, Hazel Salmon, Shirley McArdle, Barbara Burrows, Toni Walker, Heather Wears, Pat Hopper

 1 and 2.  Welcome from the acting Chair (Mockie Harrison) and apologies

Mockie Harrison opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present.

3.  Acceptance and approval of the minutes of the previous AGM

The minutes of the 2021 AGM were approved by Mockie Harrison and seconded by Jenny Woods.  A copy was available on the website and on the noticeboard in the centre.

4.  Chair’s report.  

A report had been prepared by the outgoing chair, Caroline Jennings and her full report is attached at Appendix A.  The highlights included the achievements of the last year including the successful re-establishment of the arts sessions over the last year and the steady increase in membership.  A particular tribute was paid to Stephen Oliver and Jette McCowen for all their help in co-ordinating and supporting the pottery sessions. 

5.  Treasurer’s report

The accounts had been circulated with the agenda prior to the meeting.  The report covered the period from April 2021 to end of March 2022 and is attached at Appendix B.  From 1st September 2021 a new fees model was successfully introduced and the majority of members now pay online.  A 3 months fee holiday benefited members following the re-opening of the centre and the new fees model provided regular income to cover the costs of running the centre.  Additional income was generated through the Xmas sale and workshops and a donation was received from the Quakers.  The reserves have been maintained during the financial year however the financial climate continues to be challenging in 2022/23 with increasing bills for all utilities and insurance plus an additional bill for wifi.  Wifi was recently installed and will benefit members using the centre.  There has been an increase in membership, generating additional fees, and the website continues to generate interest from prospective members. The major asset remains the building which is owned by the charity and ongoing works were commissioned and will be completed in the financial year 2022/2023.  The reserves will continue to be used to improve the building and to partially fund increases in bills that may not be covered by an increase in fees.  

6.  Increase in fees

The increasing gas and electricity bills are particularly concerning and hard to predict.  Electricity usage has doubled with the increased use of the pottery kilns and the monthly bills have been averaging £91 for gas and £255 for electricity however, these will increase with a rise in prices and usage over the winter months.  The committee has agreed that the annual membership subscription will remain at £30 for all members of the centre to be paid by 30th September.  A small increase in fees will be implemented from 1st September 2022 to partially offset the increase in bills to run the centre.  To reflect the higher usage of electricity by the potters, the pottery sessions will increase by £11 per year moving from an annual cost of £176 to £187.  For those paying monthly the cost is £15.60.  For all other all year groups eg. Textiles and Friday painting the annual fee increases by £8 from £132 to £140.  For those paying monthly, the instalment is £11.70.  Life drawing sessions on Thursday evening (including model fees) increases by £5 and moves from £210 to £215 per year or a term fee of £72.  Painting sessions on Tuesday morning increases by £5 per year moving from £108 to £113 or a term fee of £38.  A poster with the new charges will be placed on the noticeboard and on the website.  Consideration will be give to any members who are experiencing financial hardship and please contact Morag Watkins to discuss.  

7.  Retiring officers

The committee stood down.  The acting Chair thanked Caroline Jennings and paid tribute to her extensive work, drive and energy in her role as Chair of the committee and she will continue to support the committee until Xmas.  Thanks was also made to Jenny Woods who has contributed to the work of the committee for many years and Fiona Kelly who acted as the health and safety member and the secretary.  All the committee members were thanked for their contribution including Sophie Finn who has managed the website, Sonbol Perfitt for her work on health and safety, Morag Watkins for her work as secretary, Martin Russell Jones for managing the building and Elaine Bailey for keeping the centre supplied so it is able to function effectively.  

8.  Election of officers

At the AGM the three “officers” of the charity are appointed for the year.  The following members were proposed for election as Officers to the Executive Committee

Mockie Harrison was proposed as Chairperson and seconded by Sonbol Perfitt

Morag Watkins was proposed as Treasurer and seconded by Sue Hilton

Lesley McHale was proposed as Secretary and seconded by Sophie Finn

There were no objections and the officers are appointed.

The following members will continue to sit on the committee

Sophie Finn, Sonbol Perfitt , Martin Russell Jones, Lizzy Duncan

And will be joined by new members Mark Hughes and Rebecca Moreau.  

The committee is always looking for new members and/or volunteers.  Volunteers are urgently needed to organise the xmas sale and support on the website.  Please contact Mockie Harrison if you can volunteer your time on a one off basis or if you could attend committee meetings on a regular basis (every two months).  If you have any ideas or suggestions for improving the centre then please contact any of the committee members who will raise this on your behalf at a future meeting.

9.  Any other business

Stephen Oliver thanked all the pottery volunteers for loading and unloading the kilns, mixing glazes and keeping the sump and clay supplies in good order.

Sue Hilton thanked Mockie Harrison and the committee for all their hard work during the year.

Mockie Harrison explained that next year (2023) will be the 130th anniversary of the opening of the building that houses the arts centre and activities to celebrate this anniversary and involve the local community will be planned.

Appendix A: Chair’s Report

Appendix B: Treasurer’s report

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 28th July 2021 at 7p.m.

(via Zoom)

Present:                                                                                Apologies:

Amanda Armour                                                                  Sheena Herbert         

Elaine Bailey                                                                         Fenella Mowbray

Jenny Freeman                                                                    Amanda Welsh

Mockie Harrison (Treasurer)

Sue Hilton

Caroline Jennings (Chairman)

Sophie Finn (Website)

Barbara Jorgensen

Fiona Kelly (Secretary)

Shirley McArdle

Stephen Oliver

Sonbol Parfitt (Health and Safety)

Heather Wears

Jenny Woods (President)



1. Welcome from the President (Jenny Woods) and apologies 

 Jenny Woods (President) opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present.

This AGM was held online via Zoom due to ongoing concerns regarding COVID 19.


2. Acceptance and Approval of the minutes of the previous AGM 

The minutes of the 2020 AGM were approved by Shirley McArdle and Jenny Woods.

They will be signed by Fiona Kelly and stored on file at the Centre.


3. Chairman’s Report (Caroline Jennings) 

Our last AGM was held on August 20th 2020, a bit later than usual because of Covid.   

I’m not going to go through our various attempts to reopen last Autumn. I know some of you found this frustrating, but our No 1 priority was to keep our members safe which was tricky when we were pre-vaccination and with a relatively mature membership.  

Ironically, being closed was much harder work for the committee than being open as we battled to keep up with govt guidance, understanding what that meant for our organisation and communicating with members. I’d like to thank the rest of the committee enormously for all their personal efforts during this very difficult time especially when they also had their own challenges to deal with. Thanks also to those members who got in touch to show their appreciation of our efforts.

We eventually reopened on May 17th and I’d say we’ve done so cautiously. Many members felt unsure about coming back. I think the Covid H&S procedures we put in place helped to give members the confidence to return. It was a team effort but special mention should go to Sophie Finn who stepped forward to help us nail our Covid procedures, something she knew a lot about from her professional life. Jenny who valiantly rejigged all the groups to make them a max of 6 and Elaine Bailey who had already equipped us with a decent supply of anti-bac sprays, wipes etc which proved invaluable.

When we re-opened we really had no idea how long it would be for. With this uncertainty and to avoid handling cash we decided not to collect session fees until September. We felt it was important for the mental well-being of us all to get back to the centre. So now we are open and it’s great to see the Centre being used and for so many hours per week. We now have 3 hour sessions every weekday morning and afternoon plus groups in on 2 evenings, about to become 3.  

We’ve had a committee reshuffle to try and play to our strengths. Heather, our treasurer, decided to stand down after an incredible 10 year stint and Mockie Harrison from Life Drawing has very competently taken over. I’ll leave Jenny to thank Heather officially later in the meeting. Fiona has moved into the vacant slot of secretary – we have her to thank for arranging this AGM. Sonbol who organised our last exhibition has recently taken on H&S allowing Sophie to create our new website, more of which later. Jenny is dealing with groups, the timetable and our waiting list under the banner of Resources.  

Covid permitting, the committee would like to take the Centre in a more vibrant, varied and inclusive direction. We would like to have more workshops and taught courses in a variety of subjects alongside the self taught groups we already have. However our first priority is for the Centre to be financially viable. So our aims are as follows: 

1.      To introduce a new fee structure and use our new website for payments and membership registration

2.      Update our constitution which Mockie has identified as being in need of review

3.      To attract both new members and also experts to run courses and workshops 

The Centre is entirely run by volunteers. The roles on the committee need to rotate amongst members so do please step forward and do a year or two. You will learn what goes on behind the scenes and will be able to help shape the Centre going forward. We are a supportive group and often have quite a laugh. In particular I appeal for members who feel they could help to promote the Centre and/or attract experts to run new workshops. Or indeed anyone who feels they have creative ideas to help take the Centre forward. If you’re not sure just get in touch and we can have a chat. 

Thank you for listening. I’ll now hand over to Mockie for the treasurer’s report.

4. Treasurer’s Report (Mockie Harrison) 

This report covers the period April 2020 to end of March 2021. (Financial Statements Appendix A) 

It was an extraordinary period in our financial history, when we made a loss as the Covid pandemic hit us and our centre was closed for the entire year resulting in neither regular fees nor hall hire income. However, our regular bills of insurance, utilities and maintenance continued. Owning our building is a wonderful benefit but not a cheap thing! Although it was our second year of loss following the major refurbishments in 2019, it was a manageable loss of about £3500, the largest bill being insurance at about £800. We did make some savings in that we enjoyed a business rates holiday for the entire period and utility bills were way cheaper than our normal payments, particularly with no kilns running.

Thanks to my predecessor Heather Wears, we went into the period with healthy bank balances. As Treasurer, my role is to ensure the financial stability of our charity, particularly ensuring we have a good reserve to deal with emergencies, and Heather certainly did that. She also bequeathed substantial records which have enabled me to understand the detail more readily. Last year Heather remarked that we were in “unchartered waters”, unsurprisingly, I can only repeat that for the future, but with a lot more optimism. It was really wonderful to re-open in May, and a fabulous thing to have a welcome back ‘fees holiday’ for members for 3 and half months. Obviously from a treasurer’s perspective, it will be great to get back to some regular income from September 2021.

We do face some new challenges in finances, as we continue to deal with Covid safety. Consequently we are more dependent than ever on ourselves, the charity members, to self-fund to the tune of about £16,000 a year.  We cannot currently anticipate hall hire income, and interest on our savings account has been reduced to 0.15%, whilst our bills continue to rise. One extreme example is our water bill. In 2019 it was about £4 a month, it now stands at £45 per month, and unlike gas and electricity, we can’t change our water supplier. There are particular reasons for that increase, but it stands as a reminder that life is becoming more expensive for us.

In the future, our major asset remains the building itself, so it is more important than ever to continue to invest in making it well equipped and looking great. We want to realise our ambitions of making it a really vibrant creative hub in Chorleywood. If we can introduce some more one-off tutored workshops which have always proved popular, that will boost our income too.

In summary I think we weathered the storm of 2020/21 particularly well, but I anticipate a need to reduce our reserve somewhat as progress to an improved centre equipped for future needs takes shape. I am confident that as long as our insurance is correctly in place, that this will be a managed risk. My challenge this year will be to make suggestions to the committee as to the best level of reserve to retain and to find methods of ensuring the best returns on our savings.

5. New Payments Structure including revised fees (Caroline Jennings)

The new payments system was presented by Caroline Jennings.

Please refer to attached tables and explanatory schedules (Appendix B).

This was followed by a website payments demonstration by Sophie Finn and the functionality of the website was explored.

A questions and answers session followed

Points Arising: 

It will be possible for members to pay by bank transfer and cheque if necessary. 

Consideration will be given to financial hardship 

Individuals will be required to complete their own clay purchase records at the Centre 

Improvements will be made to the facilities available to artists using the downstairs studio 

Size of the groups will be reviewed before September in view of any COVID restrictions in place at the time. 

As far as possible consideration will be given to members wishes in the construction of the booking system regarding groups. 

Charges and payments for tea and coffee are undetermined


6. Proposed Constitutional changes  

We are proposing amending our constitution. We are also proposing reducing the number of officers and changing the title of the charity's committee. In addition, we need to build in electronic means of communication, and put an emphasis on the charity's members, that's all of us! The proposed new wording is mostly taken from the model constitution that the Charity Commission suggests for a new charity similar to ours. In essence, our current constitution reflects the age in which it was written (1968 and some revision in 1998).  It concentrates largely on the workings of the 'executive committee'. The committee is currently made up of volunteers who attend classes at the centre (there are no paid workers). Our major role, as the charity's trustees, is largely centred on making the charity a viable financial operation, investing income into insuring, maintaining and refurbishing the building, with the ambition to make the centre a great place to encourage the creative arts. In practice a lot of time is spent maintaining the building, doing all we can to ensure member's safety and improving our means of communication and transparency e.g. the new website www.chorleywoodcommunityartscentre.co.uk 


Motion 1 Proposed by Mockie Harrison, seconded by Sophie Finn

 "I move that the members of Chorleywood Community Arts Centre approve the rewording of sections of the constitution as follows:

Wherever the title 'the Executive Committee' appears, to be followed by (the trustees)  [Section B, D, E, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, O, P, R,S,T,U and W]"

This motion was put to the vote, Approved by 12 members, no objections 

Motion 2 This motion was withdrawn by the proposer Mockie Harrison 

Motion 3 Proposed by Mockie Harrison, seconded by Fiona Kelly

 "I move that the number of Officers of the charity be reduced from five to three [Section F] as follows:"


(1) The charity and its property shall be managed and administered by a committee comprising the officers and other members elected in accordance with this constitution. The officers and other members of the committee shall be the trustees of the Charity and in this constitution are together called 'the trustees'.  At the annual general meeting of the Charity the members shall elect from amongst themselves

(a)   A chair

(b)   A secretary

(c)   A treasurer

(2) omit

(a) omit

(b) omit

Speaking in favour of the motion, Mockie Harrison said that although the number of officers on the trustees committee would reduce from five to three, that there would still be a need for volunteers to become trustees to take on specific roles such as health & safety, premises etc, but their titles wouldn’t be a constitutional requirement and allowed for greater flexibility to reflect the committee’s needs at any one time.

This motion was put to the vote, Approved by 10 members, no objections 

Motion 4. Proposed by Mockie Harrison, seconded by Fiona Kelly

 "I move that the composition of the Executive committee (the trustees) Section G be amended as follows:"


(1) the number of trustees shall be not less than five but (unless otherwise determined by a resolution of the charity in general meeting) shall not be subject to any maximum

(2) the trustees may appoint any person who is willing to act as a trustee. Subject to clause (7)

(7) the trustees may not appoint a person to be an officer if a person has already been elected or appointed to that office and has not vacated the office 

Mockie Harrison spoke in favour of the motion saying that the proposed new wording replaces a couple of clauses that are wordy and not easily understood. The maximum number of trustees is removed. It also reflects the current way of working, which is that we welcome as many trustees as are willing to give their time to support the running of the Centre.

Clause 7 is new and replaces the last part of clause 2. 

This motion was put to the vote, Approved by 12 members, no objections 


Motion 5. Proposed by Mockie Harrison, seconded by Fiona Kelly 

  “I move that electronic communication be included in the following sections as follows:”

G. (6) No-one may be elected a trustee or an officer at any annual general meeting unless prior to the meeting the charity is given notice that:

(a) is signed by a member entitled to vote at the meeting;

(b) states the member’s intention to propose the appointment of a person as a trustee or as an officer;

(c) is signed by the person who is to be proposed to show his or her willingness to be appointed.

J (5) The trustees must keep minutes of all:

(1) appointments of officers and trustees made by the trustees;

(2) proceedings at meetings of the charity;

(3) meetings of the trustees including:

 (a) the names of the trustees present at the meeting

(b) the decisions made at the meetings; and

(c) where appropriate the reasons for the decisions

P. (2) Every general meeting shall be called by the trustees.

(1) The minimum period of notice required to hold any general meeting of the charity is fourteen clear days from the date on which the notice is deemed to be given.

(2) The notice must specify the date, time and place of the meeting and the general nature of the business to be transacted. If the meeting is to be an annual general meeting, the notice must say so.

(3) The notice must be given by the secretary to all the members and the trustees

R. (3) Minutes of all meetings held shall be made available to all members of the Charity either electronically or by display in the centre

S. Notices

If a notice is required to be served on a member of the charity, it will be sent to that member’s last known email address with a read receipt. If no email address is recorded, a letter addressed to the member’s last known address shall be sent and deemed to have to been received within 10 days of posting.

Mockie Harrison spoke in favour of the vote saying that this proposal replaces the minute book with a written notice, which could be electronic.  It clarifies what is required and covers electronic recording of minutes rather than keeping manual books. In regard to Section P, the replacement words covers electronic notice for any meeting called by the trustees with the membership (this does not apply to committee meetings). Section R We are aiming to have all minutes on our new website, but the new wording covers any request to have minutes sent by email if requested.

This motion was put to the vote, Approved by 12 members, no objections



Motion 6. Proposed by Mockie Harrison, seconded by Caroline Jennings 

"I move that the wording of Section Q be amended as follows:"

Q. Special general meetings.

The trustees must call a special general meeting if requested to do so in writing by at least ten members or one tenth of the membership, whichever is the greater. The request must state the nature of the business that is to be discussed. If the trustees fail to hold the meeting within twenty-eight days of the request, the members may proceed to call a special general meeting but in doing so they must comply with the provisions of this constitution.

Mockie Harrison spoke in favour of this motion by saying that it is an enhancement to the existing wording. The numbers allow for flexibility on an ever changing number of charity members. It also gives the members the new power to hold their own meeting if a request to call a meeting is ignored and in effect turned down. 

This motion was put to the vote, Approved by 12 members, no objections 


 7. Retiring Officers 

The committee stood down. The President thanked each in turn for their contributions to the committee over the past year. A special thank-you was made to Heather Wears on behalf of the committee and all the members. Heather has served the membership as Treasurer for the past 10 years and has done a fantastic job, not only as Treasurer, but has performed a multitude of tasks during her tenure.  

8. Election of Officers 

The following member (trustees) were proposed for election as Officers to the Executive Committee.

Caroline Jennings was proposed as Chairperson by Sophie Finn, seconded by Shirley McArdle.

Mockie (Monica) Harrison was proposed as Treasurer by Heather Wears, seconded by Elaine Bailey

Fiona Kelly was proposed as Secretary by Caroline Jennings, seconded by Amanda Armour 

The following Member Trustees volunteered for the following Executive Committee roles.

Sophie Finn (Website)

Sonbol Perfitt (Health and Safety)

Jenny Woods (Resources: Timetable, groups and waiting list) 

The Chairman appealed to the membership to volunteer additional help. 

9. Any Questions Arising 

There were no further questions 

10. Close of Meeting 

Jenny Woods thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting.

Copies to; Executive Committee, Members, Trustees, CCAC File Copy.



AGM Minutes 2020

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting on Thursday 20th Aug 2020 at 7pm (Zoom)


Jenny Woods Jenna Gray Janet Galpin

Amanda Armour Nicky Cosford

Heather Wears Sue Hilton

Shirley McArdle Edith Rambure-Lambert

Fiona Kelly Elaine Bailey

Barbara Jorgensen Sophie Finn

Stephen Oliver Mockie Harrison

Apologies: Amanda Welch

1. Welcome from President and apologies

Jenny Woods (President) opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present. This AGM was held as a Zoom online meeting due to Covid 19 restrictions. 

2. Acceptance and Approval of the minutes of the previous AGM.

The Minutes of the 2019 AGM were approved by Amanda Armour and Shirley McArdle. They will be signed by Caroline Jennings and stored on file at the Centre once we reopen.

3. Chairman’s report (Amanda Armour)

“Hi everyone thanks for joining us (for this first Zoom AGM) .

I expect many of you have seen some of the refurbishments. Hopefully the artists in the downstairs hall are enjoying the larger and more accessible sink for washing their equipment. As well as a new food area, which I hope allows for more convenience and sociability. 

The back loo and disabled toilet have both been upgraded. For those that haven’t seen the back loo – please go and enjoy. It is much lighter and cleaner than before.

The main hall has been repainted as well. Storage seems to be a perpetual problem, so a new shed is in situ around the side, for extra supplies. 

Plus we have a new team of weekly cleaners in place, which I think have made a positive impact. 

Regarding pottery, we have a wonderful new kiln alongside our previous one, both surrounded by security cages, which were necessary and seem to work well. We have recently added new shelving that will accommodate pots for bisque-firing and glazing. In turn this has created some extra space for work in progress upstairs. When we return a new practice can begin, whereby Potters will be responsible 

for taking their own pots downstairs and placing them on the shelves ready for firing.

Anyway I hope you are all happy with the improvements and in time 

we can go back to enjoying our activities and making the most of the Arts Centre.

Heather assures me, this upgrade has not broken the bank and in fact the finances of the Centre remain healthy. She will tell you more in her report.

Following the onset of Covid 19, I would like to thank the committee who have all been working tirelessly throughout lockdown. They have been superb at keeping in contact, sharing ideas and news, plus considering all the implications that Covid brings. Fiona our Health and Safety member has been thrown in at the deep end, dealing with constantly changing guidelines. 

On top of that, the committee has had to re-assess the membership fees, hiring of the hall, contacting members, organising new groups, obviously the practicalities of returning and social distancing have been incredibly difficult and complicated to implement. So on a personal note I would like to thank you all, for your time, 

dedication and patience and I’m sure the members do so as well. 

Needless to say we are still working out a way forward in the current Covid situation and hopefully, Sophie Finn will be joining the committee and her expertise - specific to Covid safety - will guide us in the right direction.

At this point I would like to offer my resignation, as I think my target of completing the renovations has been accomplished. I have had enormous support from all the committee, especially Caroline our fantastic Secretary, who has been an excellent organiser and I would like to propose her as my replacement. Obviously I will continue to support the Committee and Centre in any way I can. Also may I thank Shirley and Heather for their time and dedication they have given to the Centre over the years.

Finally I would like to take this opportunity to remind all the members, we are a community and the art centre does not run itself – it takes time and effort – so please offer to help – where and when you can. Thanks for listening everyone”

4. Treasurers Report (Heather Wears)

Annual accounts were shared on Zoom for attendees to view.

“This financial statement covers the year before all the disruption of the Corona virus. However, it is the first year as your treasurer when I have to report that we spent more than our income. Our expenditure on the upgrade has been a huge success and both potters and painters will benefit.

The committee have held many discussions on how we proceed with managing the Arts Centre for the future. The closures will of course impact next year’s finances but this report is about last year’s figures.

You will see that we have kept well within our estimated expenditure of £25K for the refurbishment of the Centre. The figure of £29K includes the purchase of a new kiln which gives the potters much more security as it was decided to keep the second-hand kiln as a back-up. The potters endured years nurturing the very old unreliable previous kiln which was not efficient. 

Our income and annual costs were very steady. Subscriptions and Session Fee income increased slightly. Our cleaning costs increased and electricity continues to be a big expense. The kiln is fired on cheap night saver rates which helps considerably. During the lock down we have saved on utility costs thankfully but Three Rivers rates, annual maintenance, and insurance inevitably increase year on year. In a normal year the Centre can run on an income of £12K and we have exceeded that in most years.

The period that this report covers is the last of a very stable and controlled period. We are now sailing in uncharted waters. I am very pleased that CCAC continues to be very popular and with our up-graded facilities will continue to prosper once the covid hiatus settles. 

Thankfully we are in the happy position of being able to weather this storm which will hit next year’s figures. 

I am hopeful that a new treasurer will come forward and I will continue to ensure a good handover.  It is with a sense of achievement that I have steered the Centre’s finances for the last 9 years and we are in a sustainable position to survive whatever the future holds.” 

 6. Retiring officers

The committee stood down. Shirley McArdle as membership secretary, Heather Wears as treasurer, Amanda Armour as Chairman and Fiona Kelly as H&S Officer are not seeking re-election in those roles. Jenny thanked each in turn for their tremendous contributions to the committee. Heather and Shirley have given a tremendous amount to the Arts Centre having each been in their positions for 9/10 years! Amanda has steered us successfully through an excellent refurbishment and Fiona has gone from zero to hero as H&S officer in the coronavirus outbreak.

Thanks were also given to Stephen Oliver as pottery co-ordinator and Elaine Bailey as supplies officer - she has given the committee invaluable advice re. optimum products and supplies needed to reduce CV transmission.

7. Election of officers

The following member was re-elected: 

  • Jenny Woods as President/Premises

Fiona Kelly proposed that Mrs Monica Harrison should take over the position of Treasurer of CCAC and be mandated as a signatory to the CCAC Accounts along with Mrs Heather Wears and Mrs Jenny Woods. Mrs Amanda Armour would cease to be a signatory as from this date. This motion was seconded by Caroline Jennings.

Additionally the following people and posts were all proposed and seconded en masse by Nicky Cosford and Jenna Gray 

  • Heather Wears as Membership Secretary

  • Caroline Jennings as Chairman/Secretary

  • Sophie Finn as H&S officer

  • Fiona Kelly as Vice Chairman

We welcome Sophie and Mockie to the team and thank them for stepping forward. They each gave a brief description of their background. 

8. Any questions arising 

Although much work was done this summer towards opening in September the committee recently decided to delay the reopening for the following reasons:

Our attempt to pin down a safe set of guidelines for members to sign up to was continually thwarted as government and Watford/Threee Rivers community centre guidelines continued to change

  • When we thought about how test and trace would work in the event of a member catching coronavirus it appeared the committee would need to be on call which they, as volunteers, were not prepared to be

  • We needed group leaders to take on a lot of responsibility and felt that we were running out of time to get everyone trained up with deputies.

  • We had put in a huge amount of effort and were frankly worn out

We realise this had been very disappointing for many members. We also wish to get back to our art.

We are very lucky to have Sophie Finn joining the committee as our new H&S Officer as she has professional experience in the area of coronavirus H&S. We will look at the situation and our responsibilities afresh and hope we will have the Centre reopening in the near future.

9. Close of meeting

Jenny Woods thanked everyone present for attending and closed the meeting.

Copies to: Executive Committee, Group Leaders, Trustees, CCAC file copy.